Ledson Merlot Chocolate Sauce
$25.60 Club Price
Our merlot chocolate sauce is both sweet and bold, boasting everything you love about chocolate, and everything you love about merlot. It adds that extra kick of merlot flavor, and is outstanding anywhere that chocolate would normally be on its own. Try this merlot chocolate sauce in your morning coffee or drizzled over fresh strawberries for a treat that just can’t be beat.
Ledson Merlot Chocolate Sauce
$25.60 Club Price
Our merlot chocolate sauce is both sweet and bold, boasting everything you love about chocolate, and everything you love about merlot. It adds that extra kick of merlot flavor, and is outstanding anywhere that chocolate would normally be on its own. Try this merlot chocolate sauce in your morning coffee or drizzled over fresh strawberries for a treat that just can’t be beat.
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